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Terms & Conditions

Updated at 2023-05-18

General Terms - Orders

  1. Original receipt needs to be presented at the time of taking delivery of garments.
  2. Customers are requested to examine the garments at the time of delivery; we will not be responsible for any damages indicated after delivery.
  3. We are not responsible for fastness / running of color / shrinkage / damage to embellishments / embroidery work on the garments during process.
  4. Every effort is made to remove stains. If stains are not removable, the customer shall not have any rights to claim deduction in charges.
  5. We follow a "No claim" policy. All articles are accepted at customer's risk. We shall not be held responsible for damage to garments that cannot withstand the normal cleaning process due to age / quality of garments.
  6. We shall not be held responsible for any ornaments / Jewelry fittings on the garment.